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Tyne and Wear HER(11742): Church of St. Mary, sexton's house - Details

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Church of St. Mary, sexton's house



Religious Ritual and Funerary

Cemetery Lodge

Cemetery Lodge


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Demolished Building

John Bell's 1835 map of 'The Borough of Gateshead in the County of Durham' and the first edition Ordnance Survey of 1864 show a trapezoidal shaped building against the west end of the north aisle of the church. It was possibly built around 1820. Undated plans signed by J.B. Bradshaw show a proposed caretaker's house but this was not built. The sexton's house as completed is shown on plans by Thomas Oliver (senior) of 1838 held by Lambeth Place Library. The north wall of the churchyard includes part of this demolished structure (stone walling and two window sills). The house was accessed through a new opening in the north wall of the aisle (later blocked). The sexton's house is not shown on the Ordnance Survey map of 1909. Built over by a new extension to the church in 2008.




Simpson & Brown Architects, July 2005, Gateshead Visitor Centre, Gateshead, Conservation Plan, pages 33 and 34; NPA 2010, Gateshead Visitor Centre, St. Mary's Church, Gateshead - Archaeological evaluation, excavation and watching brief report

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