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Tyne and Wear HER(4919): Woolsington Park, lake - Details

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Woolsington Park, lake



Water Supply and Drainage




Hanoverian 1714 to 1837


A long and narrow lake of informal shape with a dam/weir at the eastern end. Formed from the Ouse Burn. It was originally about 50m wide and fringed with large trees. In some places the grass came down to the water. The lake could be seen on either side from the bridge on the South Drive (HER 4920). The bridge formed a pinch point in the shape of the lake. The eastern part of the lake was used for boating. The weir at the eastern end was ornamental with steps next to it. The weir discharged into a lined chute to create a cascade. To the north of this there may have been a sluice which discharged water back into the Ouse Burn. There is a stone brisge which has been rebuilt. An island was formed by the line where the weir discharged and original course of the Burn. On the south bank of the Ouse Burn there is some ashlar walling about three courses high and 3m long. Further east the designed landscape is spoiled by a pipe crossing the Burn on concrete supports. There may be another low weir on the line of this pipe.




RPS, Clouston, 1998, Woolsington Hall, Archaeological Assessment; Simpson & Brown Architects, Feb 2012, Woolsington Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Draft Conservation Plan: Historical Development & Significance; Addyman Archaeology, 2014, Woolsington, Woolsington Park - Archaeological Assessment

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