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Tyne and Wear HER(5199): Newburn Road, War Memorial - Details

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Newburn Road, War Memorial




Commemorative Monument

War Memorial


First World War 1914 to 1918


War memorial circa 1916. Rock-faced painted stone plinth on sandstone steps; bronze plaques; painted stone statue. Soldier trailing rifle, mortar and reel of cable behind left leg; wreaths on 2 plaques, bearing names of dead of Newburn and District in World War One. Plaque on steps THEIR NAMES SHALL LIVE FOREVER. Rectangular stone pillar in Portland Stone, surmounted by a figure of a soldier in WW1 battle dress. There are bronze commemorative plaques set into recesses on 3 sides of the pillar. A fourth plaque was either removed or never fixed (there are fixings in place). LISTED GRADE 2




<< HER 5199 >> Dept. of National Heritage, of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, Jul-38 T. Coulter & R. Ogilvy, in association with City Design, 2002, Monuments, War Memorials, Drinking Fountains - Condition & Recommendatations, p 22-23; Paul Usherwood, Jeremy Beach and Catherine Morris, 2000, Public Sculpture of North-East England, p 87; North East War Memorials Project ( N13.01; Derek Boorman "At the Going Down of the Sun"; Spence and Dower, Oct 2008, Monuments, War Memorials and Drinking Fountains in the care of Newcastle City Council - a report on condition with recommendations for repair and maintenance

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