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Tyne and Wear HER(5894): Town Moor, possible prehistoric settlement - Details

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Town Moor, possible prehistoric settlement





Rectilinear Enclosure


Iron Age -800 to 43


When the top soil was reinstated after an area around Race Hill was regraded, a soil mark of a rectangular single ditched enclosure was revealed on an AP. It measures 50 metres east to west and 65 metres north to south. It has a single entrance in the east side about 10 metres wide with the ditch on either side ending in flared terminals. The south-east corner does not show up. In the centre of the west side the ditch narrows. There is no evidence of this feature on the ground, probably due to regrading. Neither has the feature appeared on any subsequent photographs. The site of the north-east corner is now overlain by the bank of a golf green. The form of the earthwork leads to its interpretation as a ditched enclosure of prehistoric or Romano-British date.




<< HER 5894 >> RCHME, 1995, Town Moor, Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeological Survey Report, p 52-53; English Heritage, 2008, Hadrian's Wall National Mapping Programme, 1029883; Aerial Photograph NMR, NLAP 58/B/32 5240-5241 Aerial Photograph, NMR, 1940, Aerial Photograph, 58/B/32

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