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Tyne and Wear HER(6235): Barker Street, Church of St. Jude - Details

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Barker Street, Church of St. Jude



Religious Ritual and Funerary

Place of Worship



Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

Shown on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map. Now an architect's office. Parish church, now workshop. 1891 by A. B. Plummer. Dark red brick with red sandstone ashlar dressings and plinth; graduated Lakeland slate roof. Aisled nave and chancel; east apse; south-east chapel with apse. Romanesque style. Triple-moulded surround to round-headed boarded double door with scrolled hinges in shallow projection in north aisle with gablets flanking overlapping stone coping. Stone surrounds to round-headed windows, under roll-moulded brick arches with projecting stone sills, in panels formed by plinth, pilasters and Lombard frieze of moulded brick. Clerestory lunettes have varied glazing patterns. Apse has 5 high panels under 5 smaller panels, the 3 central main panels containing small round-headed windows with block-stopped drip moulds; upper panels have basket brickwork; top Lombard frieze to each panel and top dentilled cornice. South-east chapel has similar windows. Blocked north door. Blank west front. Steeply-pitched roof, curved over apse. Gabled wood bellcote in clerestory above south door. Interior: brick with white stone ashlar dressings; tongue-and-groove boarded dado; panelled ceiling. Stone sill band and frieze; flat pilaster bay divisions with brick entablature of quasi triglyphs and dentils continuous across apses at both ends. Dentilled top cornice. 5-bay round arcades with modified Corinthian capitals. Apse has top lunettes with basket brickwork. War memorial to dead of parish in first World War in west apse: marble slab on black mount. LISTED GRADE 2




2nd edition Ordnance Survey map

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