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Tyne and Wear HER(8918): 10 Cloth Market - Details

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10 Cloth Market




Eating and Drinking Establishment

Public House


Elizabethan 1558 to 1603

Extant Building

Offices and restaurant, formerly a public house. Late C16, C18 and 1889. Facade added in 1898 by R Burns Dick of Newcastle. Brick with ashlar dressings and slate roofs. Three windows, 4 storeys. Street front in Baroque style has original tripartite shop-front with recessed half-glazed door to right, and passage entry beyond. Fascia board above. Upper floors have a projecting central bay. First floor has single broad sash flanked by single narrow sashes all with plain lower sashes and upper glazing bar sashes. All windows have recessed ogee shaped ashlar heads. Above similar windows in same arrangement, central window has triangular iron balcony and all these windows have segment arched brick heads with ashlar keystones. Top floor has central brick dormer with curved ashlar pediment with central obelisk, flanked by single narrow dormer windows with glazing bar casements. Rear facade to 'Ship's Entry' has 4 storey nineteenth century block to west. To east, a 3 storey 8 window brick facade with early box-framed to 3 eastern bays. Most windows have glazing bar sashes though some C17 cross casements do survive. INTERIOR has chamfered spine beams to rear wing. LISTED GRADE 2




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 1833/0/10231; Northern Counties Archaeological Services, 2002, Preliminary Archaeological Recording at 10-16 Cloth Market, Grey's Casino, Grey's Court and adjoining buildings, Historic Buildings Recording; Addyman Archaeology, 2019. 10-24 Cloth Market, Newcastle-upon-tyne: Historic buildings 1 and 2 (White Hart Inn); Archaeological Research Services Ltd, 2016. 10-16 & 18-24 Cloth Market, Newcastle upon Tyne, statement of significance and heritage impact assessment; Blackett-Ord Conservation Engineering 2018, The Cloth Market- White Hart Yard.

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