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Tyne and Wear HER(9064): 23 Dean Street - Details

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23 Dean Street







Early 20th Century 1901 to 1932

Extant Building

Also Known As: 14, ST NICHOLAS CHURCH YARD Shop with verger's residence above. 1902. Designed by Oliver, Leeson & Wood. Red brick with ashlar dressings and slate roofs. 4 storey. Dean Street elevation has original ground floor shop front with flanking pilasters, fascia board above and recessed central glazed door. Above rusticated quoins to both corners on upper floors topped with ashlar cornice and curved gable with ball finials. 2 storey canted bay window to first and second floors, each with 3 sashes, with glazing bar upper sashes and moulded pilasters between. Above each window a moulded strap-work panel with brackets between. Top surmounted by iron balustrade with tripartite sash windows divided by ashlar Ionic columns and topped with moulded entablature and central pediment. Right elevation has two narrow sash windows, with glazing bar upper sashes and ashlar keystones. Rear elevation 2 windows and 3 storeys with ashlar cornice and above a broad curved gable with central ashlar plaque and ball finials. Rusticated ashlar quoins to left corner. Doorway to right with moulded wooden door frame and ornate iron brackets supporting flat hood, 5 panel door with glazing bar overlight. Small window to left with plain sash. Above 2 sash windows, that to left narrower, both with glazing bar upper sashes and ashlar keystones. Above again 2 similar windows to eaves cornice. LISTED GRADE 2




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 1833/21/10218; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 150

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