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Tyne and Wear HER(9084): 69 to 73 Grey Street (New Turk's Head Hotel) - Details

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69 to 73 Grey Street (New Turk's Head Hotel)




Shopping Parade

Shopping Parade


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Shops, houses and hotel. Circa 1837, probably by John Wardle, for Richard Grainger. Sandstone ashlar; Welsh slate roof. Classical style. 4 storeys and attics, 8 bays. 3 left bays continue plain style of Nos. 61 to 67 and have rusticated ground floor with cyma-moulded plinth, altered windows and cornice. Plain reveals to sashes above with second-floor sill band. Second-floor band,and entablature below top floor which has cornice and blocking course. 5 bays at right have end pavilions; rusticated ground floor with 2 entrances in left 2 bays and 3 altered windows; carriage entrance in right end bay. Ground-floor fascia and cornice. Upper floors have Giant Orders: flat Doric pilasters to pavilions and attached fluted Ionic columns defining central 3 bays. Second-floor sills moulded in central 3 and with band in outer bays. All windows sashes with glazing bars. Second-floor entablature with prominent cornice. Fourth storey of pavilions has pilasters; central top balustrade;continuous cornice and blocking course, and parapet with carved pilasters above pavilions. Empty at time of survey. LISTED GRADE 2*




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 20/283; Brian Bennison, 1995, Brewers and Bottlers of Newcastle upon Tyne From 1850 to the present day, p 36; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 166; Brian Bennison, 1996, Heady Days - A History of Newcastle's Public Houses, Vol 1, The Central Area, p 27

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