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Tyne and Wear HER(9103): Fenham Hall, Fenham Hall Drive, - Details

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Convent of the Sacred Heart, Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne



Fenham Hall, Fenham Hall Drive,





Country House


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

House. Fenham Hall, 1748 by D. Garrett, with south tympanum carved by James Guthrie, for John Ord, mayor of Newcastle. North front and wings early C19 by Newton; east front mid C19. Became R.C. Convent school and college in 1905. Sandstone ashlar. North front Flemish bond brick with ashlar dressings and quoins. Graduated Lakeland slate roofs. E-plan. 2 storeys. Original garden front: 9 bays with 13-bay pedimented projecting centre, set-back outer bays. Plinth band. Arcaded ground floor centre has central niche. All windows altered in original architraves, those on ground floor outer bays with pulvinated friezes and pediments. Top cornice and parapet. Ord arms in pediment. Entrance front 11 bays: end bays project deeply with quoins; 3 central bays project with giant Tuscan engaged columns and pediment. Central door, up 5 steps, and sashes with glazing bars, all in architraves; ground floor cornices. 9-bay east front, in French C18 style, has central door under open segmental pediment. Interior: 1908 chapel has Ionic Order to chancel and reredos arches; entablature; panelled, low barrel-vaulted ceiling. Original interior destroyed by fire in 1908. About to become empty at time of survey. Sources: E. Mackenzie View of the County of Northumberland Newcastle 1825 p.410; Society of the Sacred Heart St. Mary's College Fenham 1905-1985 n.d. LISTED GRADE 2* An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in 2013 ahead of the construction of the 6th form building extenstion. No archaeological deposits were found.




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 8/237; E. Mackenzie, 1825, View of the County of Northumberland, p.410; Society of the Sacred Heart St. Mary's College Fenham, 1905-1985; N. Pevsner and I. Richmond, second edition revised by G. McCombie, P. Ryder and H. Welfare, 1992, The Buildings of England - Northumberland, page 517; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 13; AD Archaeology, 2013, Sacred Heart RC High School, Fenham, Archaeological Evaluation

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