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Tyne and Wear HER(9951): Newcastle General Hospital, workhouse building - Details

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Newcastle General Hospital, workhouse building



Health and Welfare




Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

These former workhouse buildings were built in the mid-nineteenth century, before the construction of the General Hospital. They were built in response to the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act. The buildings appear on an 1844 map of the city and on the 1st edition Ordnance Survey Map of 1858. The rooflines are dominated by dormer windows capped with steep triangular pediments. Some of the windows on the lower storeys also have pediments, although these are less steep in pitch. On the west side the ironwork guttering is exposed and this frames the windows. The dark stonework is given some colour by the terracotta edgings on the roofline. The former workhouse buildings were recorded in 2011 in advance of demolition. A small portion of wall survives as a boundary towards the south-eastern corner of the site on the west side of Brighton Grove (2023). LOCAL LIST




Newcastle City Council, 2006, Local List of Buildings, Structures, Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces of Special Local Architectural or Historic Interest Supplementary Planning Document; CgMs Consulting, 2010, The campus for ageing and vitality and Tesco food store, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Statement

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