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Tyne and Wear HER(12906): 107-109 Pilgrim Street - Details

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107-109 Pilgrim Street





Wholesale Warehouse


Early 20th Century 1901 to 1932

Extant Building

A utilitarian steel-framed brick warehouse with a decorative faience faƧade, built in 1920 by Marshall and Tweedy of Newcastle upon Tyne. Disused and in poor condition {1}. Built in 1920 to replace a C19 inn marked the 'William 4th Public House' in 1862. The building occupies the site of two former burgage plots which were merged to form a single plot. The building was constructed as a warehouse for the firm J and G Cooper. It is of a form known as a Manchester Warehouse in which textiles were stored and sold. It is a long rectangular building built of brick and steel with its main elevation faced in faience tiles. The main elevation has four storeys. The ground floor has large square shoulder-arched windows with a central entrance and projecting string course above. A rusticated round-headed arch rises above the first and second floor windows of the central bay. The central first floor window has a pedimented hood with flanking square-headed windows. The second floor windows are round-headed. The third floor windows are square-headed with decorative scrolls flnaking the central window. To the rear there is a long warehouse over floor floors with tiers of full height lights through its northern elevation. Inside, the administration block retains its original layout and some 1920s joinery (doors and panelling in stairwell area). The original wooden stair is also present. Rooms are otherwise plain with no original fixtures and fittings. The four storey warehouse to the rear also largely retains its original layout. Each floor is a large open space, with glass or wooden partitions.




Archaeological Services University of Durham, August 2006, East Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne - archaeological desk-based assessment and photographic record, part 2: gazeteer, pages 157-159; English Heritage (Listing) Advice Report, 22 June 2010; Gifford, 2007, East Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne: Condition Appraisal and Conservation Statement; S. Levrant, 2006, Historical Assessment of Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, pp 38-39; Scott Wilson, 2011, Nos. 101-109 Pilgrim Street - Building Recording; ASUD, 2017, Bank of England Site - Archaeological Assessment

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