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Tyne and Wear HER(13567): 103-105 Pilgrim Street - Details

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103-105 Pilgrim Street





Town House


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

A former C18 town house, with rear extensions, on a medieval burgage plot. It forms the north side of Bell's Court Lane, which gives access to bell's Court to the rear. In 1811 Bell's Court was densely occupied by houses, rooms and tenements. In the C19 a shop front was inserted into the ground floor of the house. In the 1930sthe building was converted to offices. The building is built of ashlar sandstone and has a pitched roof and three storeys. The ground floor has a boarded up shop front. There are sash windows above. The windows are mostly 1930s metal replacements. The rear extensions have plain entrances and window openings, many containing unhorned sash windows. Inside the layout has been altered. Original internal walls have been removed to create larger spaces. Wooden and glass partitions have been inserted. Original features are absent and the general character reflects the 1930s refurbishment. The iron-strapped roof trusses are a replacement.




English Heritage (Listing) Advice Report, 22 June 2010; Gifford, 2007, East Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne; S. Levrant, 2006, Historical Assessment of Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 38-39; Scott Wilson, 2011, 101-109 Pilgrim Street - Building Recording

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