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Tyne and Wear HER(15345): East Denton to Scotswood (Montague Main) Waggonway - Details

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East Denton to Scotswood (Montague Main) Waggonway

East Denton



Tramway Transport Site



Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Documentary Evidence

1765-1800s. Although there were early coal workings within Denton, there is little evidence for the location of early pits or waggonways. A map of Denton from the late 1750s (Turnbull 2009, 120) shows it divided into three parts. East Denton (along with Lemington) belonged to the Right Hon. Edward Montague esq. Towards the river a ‘proposed place for an engine’ is marked which was built soon afterwards. Montague had inherited the estate in 1758 and he (and his wife following his death) developed the Montague Colliery over the later 18th century. Twenty nine pits worked the Beaumont Seam to the south of the Ninety Fathom Dyke as well as shallower seams to the north (Turnbull 2009, 121). Montague Pit and View Pit were sunk near to the river, drained by the pumping engine and Caroline Pit, sunk to 60 fathoms (drained by a second engine set up in 1765 at a depth of 64 fathoms) is shown on Gibson’s (1787) and Casson’s (1801) maps further to the north. Both maps also show a waggonway running from the Caroline Pit to staiths at Scotswood.




Alan Williams Archaeology, July 2012, Waggonways North of the River Tyne - Tyne and Wear HER Enhancement Project; Gibson 1787: Plan of the Collieries of the Rivers Tyne and Wear; Casson 1801: Map of the Rivers Tyne and Wear; Turnbull, L. 2009 Coals from Newcastle: An Introduction to the Northumberland and Durham Coalfield, pp 120-121

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