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Tyne and Wear HER(16022): Woolsington Park, Monk's Hut - Details

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Woolsington Park, Monk's Hut



Gardens Parks and Urban Spaces




Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

A three bay garden building. Its main face faces westwards towards ornamental trees. It measures 4.5m x 5m in plan. It is a simple stone structure with Gothic arched windows to either side of an arched door. There is a window on the south side. The walls are built in rought rustic-style masonry. They may have been rebuilt. The roof is slate with a tiled ridge. The roof has been re-slated. Sarking board has replaced the original butt joined boarding. The roof projects 1m beyond the outside face of the walls and is supported on 12 columns. Only three of the original Regency-style cast iron columns survive. The rest are modern. Inside the walls are plastered. The floor is stone. There is fragmentary evidence of the window design and the door frame. The fireplace hearth is modern. The original flue and chimney (if there was a fireplace) have been lost. Some stone column bases are stacked a few metres to the west of the building.




Simpson & Brown Architects, February 2012, Woolsington Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Draft Conservation Plan: Historical Development & Significance; Simpson & Brown Architects, 2014, Woolsington Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Conservation Plan

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