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Tyne and Wear HER(16225): 25-29 High Bridge - Details

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25-29 High Bridge




Commercial Office

Newspaper Office


Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

These buildings were recorded in 2013 by ARS. No 25-29 appears to have been built between 1884-1886 - replacing earlier buildings. They appear to have been used as the offices and production area for two local newspapers which first appear in Kelly's directory of 1886. Printing rooms and warehouses associated with this function were located in the courtyard behind the building, whilst living accommodation was provided at attic level for the caretaker. It is subsequently referred to as 'High Bridge Buildings'. From the 1926 directory High Bridge Buildings seems to have been incorporated into Ward's Buildings which stretch as far as no.39. Several developments on the ground and first floor levels of the building are associated with the conversion of offices to shops on the ground floor and of individual offices to an open-plan layout on the first floor. Aside from these aspects the building retains a significant proportion of its original features including fireplaces, timber panelling, bannister and cornicing.




Archaeological Research Services Ltd. 2013, No 15-29 High Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne - archaeological building recording; Various building plans relating to 25-29 High Bridge TWAS MD.NC/BC/plan/T186/10404; Goad Fire Insurance Plan 1927

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