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Tyne and Wear HER(17449): Scotswood Road, Robin Adair Public House - Details

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Scotswood Road, Robin Adair Public House




Eating and Drinking Establishment

Public House


20th Century 1901 to 2000

Demolished Building

The Robin Adair took the name of a previous inn on the opposide side of Scotswood Road mentioned in the The Blaydon Races. During slum clearance Newcastle Breweries expressed a desire to see 'top class pubs like the Robin Adair rising from the rubble to bring distinction and amenity to out-worn parts of the city'. Opened by Dan T Smith. The building consitsed of a bar which could sit 150, another bar, a lounge buffet and an off-licence shop. The keynote of the exterior was a panel 16ft x 10ft depicting various characters in a horse drawn wagon on their way to Blaydon Races. The mural was designed by George Dereford. The commission took 640 hours and consistsed of antique glass, smalti, ceramic and gold mosaic pieces. Less than 25 years later the pub was disused following a fire and considered to be an eyesore. The Benfield Motors Garage now occupies the site.




Bennison, B, 1998, Lost Weekends, A History of Newcastle's Public Houses, Vol 3, The West

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