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Tyne and Wear HER(4872): Woolsington Hall, East Wing - Details

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Woolsington Hall, East Wing





Detached House


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Cottage, now part of house. Early C19. English garden wall bond brick with painted ashlar dressings. Welsh slate roof. 2 storeys. 2 bays. Renewed sash windows with wedge stone lintels and projecting stone sills. That at ground floor right tripartite. 20th century east extension not of interest. Simpson & Brown say that the upper floor appears to have been bedrooms, linked to the bedrooms on the first floor of the original house. The lower level was probably service accomodation, such as kitchens. The east wing is similar in scale to the original 17th century shooting box (HER 4870). It was roughly square in plan. The east wing has been extended northwards by 2m. It contains a 19th century stair. In the 1920s the east wing windows were altered. It may have been planned to render the east wing to match the main house. The new brickwork is in English garden wall bond and isn't of high quality. The first floor rooms were fitted out as living rooms in the early 20th century, maybe as a separate flat.The first floor link to the main hall was blocked up. There is a servants bell board in the south-west room of the ground floor, which leads into the stair hall.




<< HER 4872 >> Dept. of Environment, of Buildings of Special ... Interest, Mar-62 The Archaeological Practice, 1997, Newcastle International Airport, Cultural Heritage Assessment; RPS, Clouston, 1998, Woolsington Hall, Archaeological Assessment; Simpson & Brown Architects, Feb 2012, Woolsington Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Draft Conservation Plan: Historical Development & Significance

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