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Tyne and Wear HER(4935): Scotswood, tunnels under Newburn & Wylam Railway - Details

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Scotswood, tunnels under Newburn & Wylam Railway




Railway Transport Site

Railway Tunnel


Victorian 1837 to 1901


The clearance in 1987 of buildings from Grady's Yard at the junction of Scotswood Road and Denton Road revealed more of the railway embankment below the line of the former Scotswood, Newburn and Wylam Railway, and two arched entrances within the embankment. These are approximately 40 metres west of the west entrance to the Scotswood Tunnel. The larger of the tunnels carried a railway under the main line whilst the smaller one provided pedestrian access. They were blocked off by landfill. Their northerly entrances are no longer tracable. The stonework of the entrances was in good condition. These features probably date to 1871-75 when this section of the Scotswood, Newburn and Wylam Railway was laid out. Grady's Yard was previously a Fireclay Works, and clay was brought to the works from drifts in the Denton Burn. The tunnels therefore formed an important link to the Fireclay Works and are a vestige of this once important industry.




<< HER 4935 >> Pers. Comm. I. Ayris, 1987

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