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Tyne and Wear HER(5057): Life Brigade Watch House, Cullercoats - Details

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N Tyneside

Life Brigade Watch House, Cullercoats




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Coastguard Station


Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

Life Brigade Watch House, Victoria Crescent, Cullercoats. This was designed by Frank West Rich, who designed Turnbull's Warehouse and Bolbec Hall (amongst other buildings). The Cullercoats Life Brigade, the second to be formed (after Tynemouth), was formed after 1864 and the Watch House constructed between 1877 and 1879. Built of roughly-squared sandstone with rock-faced quoins and dressings, a wooden verandah and tiled roof. Shingled belfry with balustrade. One storey. Boarded door under catslide roof. One stone-mullioned square-headed window under gable. Casements with glazing bars in back verandah. Clock turret has tall octagonal roof. LISTED GRADE 2




<< HER 5057 >> J. Alexander, 1999, Images of England - Tynemouth & Cullercoats, p 106, 111 Dept. of National Heritage, of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, 5/141 1901, Cullercoats in the Old Days - lecture by Alderman Spence, Shields Daily News, March 1901 1879, Newcastle Daily Courant, 13. 10. 1879; R. Wright, 2002, The People's History - Cullercoats; North Tyneside Council, 2009, Cullercoats Conservation Area Draft Character Appraisal; John Penn, 2009, The Enigmatic Architect: Frank West Rich (1840-1929), Archaeologia Aeliana, 5th Series, Vol XXXVIII, pp 139-149

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