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Tyne and Wear HER(5769): New Bridge Street, Ridley Villas - Details

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New Bridge Street, Ridley Villas







Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

The building of the Pandon Dene Bridge (HER 5768) opened up new land for building. John Dobson designed villas on the west side of the Dene at Picton Place (see HER 1875) and on the east on either side of New Bridge Street semi-detached villas and terraced houses of some architectural quality were built. Ridley Villas, a row of 18 grand houses, were built on land leased from Sir Matthew White Ridley. They probably date from 1823 when Dobson was advertising sites for villas on the north side of New Bridge Street. They may be to Dobson's design. These, along with Dobson's own house, are the sole survivors of this rash of development. A plan of 1854 survives in the Archives for a kitchen extension to the rear of No. 5 Ridley Villas belonging to Mr Sewell. Later plans from 1866 to 1951 catalogue a series of alterations to these properties including the construction of bay windows and alterations to buildings in the gardens (Back Ridley Villas). The plans show a gradual change in use of some of these properties from residential with gardens to commercial with the addition of stores, stables, sheds and warehouses. No. 18 Ridley Villas has a basement - it is assumed that the other properties were cellared as well. A TB Hospital was opened in Nos. 1 and 2 Ridley Villas in 1913. In its first year the hospital dealt with 958 cases. There were 529 deaths from TB that year. By 1963 with around 2140 patients, there were only 13 deaths. As TB declined, the hospital came to be used as a general medical unit until its closure in 1972.




<< HER 5769 >> Tyne and Wear Museums, 2004, Ridley Villas, New Bridge Street, Newcastle, Archaeological Assessment; T. Oliver, map of Newcastle, 1830; T. Faulkner and A. Greg, 1987, John Dobson Newcastle Architect 1787-1865, p 38; Lynn Redhead, 1996, Hospitals; A. Morgan, 1995, Bygone Shieldfield; The Archaeological Practice 2010, 97-113 New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Historic Buildings Recording; The Archaeological Practice Ltd. 2010, 95-113 New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeological Watching Brief; The Archaeological Practice Ltd. 2010, 95-113 New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Archaeological Evaluation; RPS Leeds, 2008, New Bridge Street, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Assessment

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