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Tyne and Wear HER(7880): Hunter's Moor Hospital - Details

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Hunters Moor Hospital, Hunters Road, Spital Tongues



Hunter's Moor Hospital

Spital Tongues


Health and Welfare


Incurables Hospital


Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

The second Home for Incurables was opened on 4 August 1893. It was built on the site of the kitchen gardens of Moor Lodge (the original Home for Incurables, see HER 7881). It was designed by local architect Edward Shewbrook, and opened with great ceremony on 4th August 1893 costing £17, 062. It could house 68 patients. The original hospital tower was later removed. In 1931 the name was changed to the St Mary Magdalene Home. After the NHS took it over in 1948, it became known as Hunter's Moor Hospital.




O. Taylor, 1993, Bygone Spital Tongues; D. Richardson, Tyne and Wear Museums, October 2009, Hunter's Moor Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Desk Based Assessment; Tyne and Wear Museums, 2010, Hunter's Moor Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Evaluation; North of England Civic Trust, February 2009, Spital Tongues, Newcastle upon Tyne - Suggested Conservation Area Scoping Study, Draft Report

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