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Tyne and Wear HER(8949): 1 to 23 Queen Street (Princes Buildings) - Details

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1 to 23 Queen Street (Princes Buildings)




Commercial Office

Commercial Office


Victorian 1837 to 1901

Extant Building

Offices. Circa 1863. Sandstone ashlar; Welsh slate roof. Complete block. 4 storeys. The chief architectural elevation comprises Nos. 11-23 (odd) Queen Street. No. 11 is of six bays canted in the centre so that the main elevation reads making a balanced composition. Ground floor articulated by plain pilasters with original shopfronts between. First and second floors have giant pilasters to Nos. 11 and 23, Tuscan columns with heavy entablature to Nos. 13-21. Fourth and fifth floors giant pilasters again to Nos. 11 and 23. Central houses have moulded architraves to fourth floor windows. Heavy cornice on brackets, pedimented dormer. Pierced parapets to Nos. 11 and 23. Large stacks with bracketed cornices. Roofs not visible from street. Nos. 3-9 (odd) have a plainer elevation with a fourteen-bay arcade on the first and second floors. No. 1 has a classical treatment with a canted corner of bays to Akenside Hill. The roofline has been interfered with by the Tyne Bridge. East flank to King Street and rear facade to Akenside Hill have a lesser architectural character. No. 23 Queen Street frames an important view of All Saints Church together with No. 25 (q.v.). LISTED GRADE 2




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 24/350; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 122

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