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Tyne and Wear HER(8967): Summerhill Grove, St. Anne's Convent and walls - Details

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St. Anne's Convent, No.7 Summerhill Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne



Summerhill Grove, St. Anne's Convent and walls





Town House


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

House, later convent. Circa 1826 by Bonomi for Cuthbert Rippon of Stanhope Castle; addition of second floor and chapel and other alterations 1878 by Dunn and Hansom for St. Anne's Convent. Coursed squared sandstone with ashlar dressings; roofs of Welsh slate. Irregular plan, with roughly U-shaped ranges around a small yard. Tudor style. Front to street: 2 storeys; 2 gable ends enclosing high wall; further wall at left. 4-bay range at rear of central yard; 2 boarded doors in wall, at left for pedestrians, and at left of yard for vehicles, have 2-centred arches with drip moulds. House entrance at right of yard has ledged boarded door in shouldered surround under stepped wall with stone cross finial. Irregular fenstration in left gable with square-headed stone-mullioned windows of one and 2 segment-headed lights, and gable peak with tall chimney. Right gable has 2 small rectangular chamfered lights at ground level and 6 lancets above. Roll-moulded copings to gables and walls. Rear yard range has windows similar to those in left gable in 3 bays; fourth bay an extruded staircase wing in similar style. 3 bargeboarded dormers. All chimneys stone with conjoined rounded shafts and steep coping. LISTED GRADE 2




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 11/538 and 18/538; Newcastle City Council, 2001, Summerhill Conservation Area Character Statement, p 19

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