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Tyne and Wear HER(9046): Newcastle General Cemetery, archway, chapels, walls - Details

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Newcastle General Cemetery, archway, chapels, walls



Religious Ritual and Funerary

Place of Worship

Cemetery Chapel


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Entrance archway, chapels, walls and gates. 1836 by John Dobson for Newcastle General Cemetery Company; restored 1978 by Tyne and Wear County Council. Sandstone ashlar with plinth; Welsh slate roofs. Symmetrical; classical style. Banded rustication. High round arch with archivolt and impost band flanked by 2-storey towers and one-storey, one-bay chapels. Cornice and blocking course above arch; second stage of towers has corner pilasters and iron grilles under cornice and blocking course. Chapels attached have pediments on paired pilasters and central recessed panels. Flat-coped walls enclose area in front and break forward, ending in square piers with flat coping. Wrought iron vehicle and pedestrian gates have spearhead standards and dog-bars and acanthus ornament to principals. LISTED GRADE 2*




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 9/339; T. Faulkner and A. Greg, 1987, John Dobson Newcastle Architect 1787-1865

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