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Tyne and Wear HER(9929): Old Eldon Square - Details

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Eldon Square



Old Eldon Square



Gardens Parks and Urban Spaces

Urban Space



Hanoverian 1714 to 1837


Old Eldon Square was laid out within a three sided development of 1825-31, which John Dobson designed for Richard Grainger. Formerly surrounded by railings, the space was opened out when the large equestrian bronze war memorial was erected, and paths were laid for access to it. Old Eldon Square is one of the only areas of green space within the city centre and is important to those who enjoy going there to relax and escape the bustle of the shops and businesses in the city. It is a space loved by young and old alike and has served as a traditional meeting point and a place to unwind for generations of city residents. However, Old Eldon Square is also significant for cultural reasons, and received the most nominations in the consultation process due to what it represents as well as the significance of the physical green space. To its advocates it symbolises tolerance and freedom and a place where individualism and the city’s alternative culture are given room to flourish away from the commercial environment. Many cited its value as a place in which young people can meet and socialise for free and several recollected lasting friendships forged there. For its enthusiasts it is an oasis where anyone can go to relax and a vital area for social interaction between a diverse range of members of the community. LOCAL LIST




Newcastle City Council, 2006, Local List of Buildings, Structures, Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces of Special Local Architectural or Historic Interest Supplementary Planning Document

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