33 to 41 Grey Street
33 to 41 Grey Street
HER Number
Site Name
33 to 41 Grey Street
Map Sheet
Site Type: Broad
Bank (Financial)
Site Type: Specific
Bank (Financial)
General Period
Specific Period
Hanoverian 1714 to 1837
Form of Evidence
Extant Building
Bank of England and Northern District Joint Stock Bank, now offices. Circa 1835,
probably by John Wardle, for Richard Grainger. Sandstone ashlar with plinth;
Welsh slate roof. Classical style.4 storeys, 10 bays. 6-panelled double doors
and overlights with glazing bars in bays one and 3; similar door with altered
overlight in bay lO. Channelled rustication to ground floor with lintel string
to ground-floor sashes, those in bays 6 to 9 with aprons; fascia and band Giant
Corinthian Order above contains sash windows in architraves, pedimented on first
floor and with bracketed sills on second floor which has high modillioned
entablature. Third floor balcony has fat turned balusters; sashes in plain
reveals between pilasters under top cornice and blocking course. Glazing bars
to windows; shutters and original stucco decoration to some rooms. LISTED GRADE 2*
probably by John Wardle, for Richard Grainger. Sandstone ashlar with plinth;
Welsh slate roof. Classical style.4 storeys, 10 bays. 6-panelled double doors
and overlights with glazing bars in bays one and 3; similar door with altered
overlight in bay lO. Channelled rustication to ground floor with lintel string
to ground-floor sashes, those in bays 6 to 9 with aprons; fascia and band Giant
Corinthian Order above contains sash windows in architraves, pedimented on first
floor and with bracketed sills on second floor which has high modillioned
entablature. Third floor balcony has fat turned balusters; sashes in plain
reveals between pilasters under top cornice and blocking course. Glazing bars
to windows; shutters and original stucco decoration to some rooms. LISTED GRADE 2*
Grid Reference
Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 20/277; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 166